What To Expect

Plan Your Visit
Are you interested in attending Curtis Corner Baptist Church?
You’ll find that CCBC is the ideal place for you and your family! Our services are attended by people from all walks and life stages. You will find a home for your family at CCBC.
Sunday Bible Classes
9:00 am
During this time, we have one adult Sunday School class that meets in the auditorium and our Pastor is the teacher. Classes are also available for children as young as two years old up to 12th grade. These classes give them an opportunity to grow spiritually and learn vital biblical truths at a young age. The Adult Bible class and Sunday School classes meet from 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. This is the perfect opportunity for you and your family to meet other fellow believers and also learn great Bible truths.
Child Care
We also provide first-class nurseries and childcare for your newborn and children up to four years old. They will be kept safe and well-supervised as they play, sing songs, and learn the love of God. We provide numbers for each child and parent in order to keep the children safe. We also run background checks on all of our nursery workers to insure your children’s safety.
Where Do I Park?
You can park in our paved lot or in the adjacent gravel lot. We have parking attendants to help you, and marked handicapped parking.
What Should I Wear?
There is no strict dress code to attend our public services, but in case you’re wondering, a majority of our church members wear their “Sunday best.” We welcome you to come as you are, but don’t plan to stay that way… We are trying to be more like Jesus every week!
Sunday Morning and evening services
10:00 am and 6:00 pm
Every Sunday morning and Sunday evening, the main Sunday preaching service is held in the Auditorium with Pastor Paul Chapman. As you walk in, a friendly usher will greet you and be available for you to help you find a seat and answer any questions you may have. We believe in having a church service with good, uplifting hymns and spiritual songs that will stir and inspire you. Best of all, the practical preaching from God’s Word will stir your heart and change your life. We love guests at our church and if there is anything we can do for you, please let us know.
Singing And Special Music
Every service gives you an opportunity to join us in singing hymns and spiritual songs. Each pew provides song books for you to use located in front of every pew. You’ll enjoy the music as the choir sings to the accompaniment of our piano. We also have many ensembles, youth singers, and singing groups throughout the services.
We consider the preaching of the Word of God to be the best and the most important time of the service. I Corinthians 1:21 reads, “…it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.” We believe that the best help you can get in any struggle of life is from the Bible and that preaching is that help.
At the end of the preaching, Pastor Chapman will ask everyone to stand as he gives an invitation. This is a time for many to respond and make a life-changing decisions by walking down the aisle and praying at the altar. A decision may be to trust Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, request believer’s baptism, church membership, or to become a better Christian. Whatever your decision may be, the altar is open to you to join others that will make decisions. If you would like someone to pray for you or would like to make your decision public, men from our church will be by the altar to pray with you and help you.
Those who have trusted Jesus Christ are baptized by immersion. We will make it as easy as possible to be baptized immediately after you get saved. However, we do not believe you can be saved by baptism. People get baptized on a regular basis here at Curtis Corner Baptist Church. If you would like to be baptized, make your way to the altar, and men from our church will be available to assist you.
Wednesday Evening
Bible Study & Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
The Wednesday evening Bible study takes place every week at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Auditorium of Curtis Corner Baptist Church. This is a time during the week when the church family gathers to listen and be taught practical, relevant truths from the Bible taught by Pastor Chapman. You will learn truths that will help you in the areas of prayer, marriage, child rearing, relationships, and more!
Come Visit Us!
Now that you’ve learned a little bit about our church, we hope that you will visit us! We look forward to meeting you and your family!
Service Times
Sunday School – 9:30 am
Sunday Morning – 10:30 am
Sunday Evening – 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening – 7:00 pm

Contact Info
591 Curtis Corner Rd.
Wakefield, RI 02879
(401) 783-8179